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About Pivot

Our Mission

Fostering healthy individuals, families, schools, and the community through prevention and recovery services.

Our Goals

The Board and Staff of Pivot are convinced that alcohol, tobacco and other drug use and problem gambling are preventable. In conjunction with New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) our goals are to:

  • Reduce the prevalence of substance use and abuse and problem gambling in Jefferson County.

  • Delay first use of alcohol, nicotine and other drugs and gambling behavior among youth for as long as possible.

  • Decrease the negative health, social, and economic consequences and costs associated with substance use and problem gambling.

  • Prevent, through early identification and brief intervention and referral, the escalation of substance use and gambling behaviors to levels requiring treatment.

Our Story

One winter night, many years ago, a small group of concerned Jefferson County citizens traveled to Syracuse, New York to hear a talk by Margaret “Marty” Mann, the first woman to achieve long term sobriety in the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. Mrs. Mann spoke of the need to spread the word that help was available for the suffering alcoholic and that recovery was possible. She believed the most effective way to spread this message was through a local grass roots organization made up of recovered alcoholics, friends, family members and concerned citizens.

Following their return from Ms. Mann’s impassioned talk, the individuals who attended formed the Jefferson County Committee on Alcoholism. The goals of this early group were to raise the level of public awareness to the problem of alcoholism, provide information and education, and reduce the stigma associated with this disease.

Today, all these years later, this organization, now known as Pivot, has evolved from that small group of empowered individuals into a professional organization that continues to have a powerful impact on the entire North Country community. And although the original goals of the organization are as valid as they were at its conception, the organization provides a wide range of evidence-based, research driven prevention programs to all age and demographic groups in Jefferson County.

Pivot Board of Directors

Michael Lively


Shane Ryan

Vice President

Christina O'Neil


Jeremiah Papineau

Lloyd Hurlbut

Tracy Leonard

Michael Morgan

Samantha Robbins

Ashley Waite

Shane Wisner

Daniel Pina

Lucy Tuttle

Pivot Foundation Board of Directors

Joseph Foy


Cheryl Matson

Vice President

Samantha Robbins


Timothy Sweeney


Anthony Marra


Abigail McDonald


Justin Weaver


Anna O'Neil


Pivot Staff Listing


William Bowman

Executive Director

Debra Hughes

Director of Administrative Services

Raisha Wood

Director of Fiscal Operations

Leta Harp

Administrative Assistant


Jennifer Lachenauer

Director of Client and Community Services

Carol Lisella

Lewis County Prevention Director

Kristin Conners

Director of Student Assistance Program Services

Kennedy Mussaw

Director of Evidence-based Programs

Shayna Brown

Prevention Educator

Kimberly Cring

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Kendra Eberle

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Hannah Finley

Prevention Counselor/Educator WISE Program

Valerie Fuller

Program Assistant

Sarah Hilyer

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Julie Mason

Prevention Educator

Matthew Milkowich

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Randi Moulton

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Tasha Pierson

Prevention Educator

Nova Yanoch

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Chloie Sherburne

Prevention Educator

Eleanor Shoup

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Alice Smiley

Prevention Counselor/Educator WISE Program

Cady Weller

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Elizabeth Houppert

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Kelli Liscum

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Taylor Pickett

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Paige Maitland

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Annalyn Hall

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Brittany Keefer

Prevention Counselor/Educator

Peyton Myers

Prevention Counselor/ Educator

Nate Bebelheimer

Youth Prevention Educator

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Kelly Flanagan-Hall

EAP Program Coordinator

Department of Social Services (DSS)

Kristie Towles

Program Manager

Stephanie Sadler

Case Manager / Assessment Specialist

Alliance for Better Communities / Youth Alliance

Anita Seefried-Brown

Project Director

Celia Cook

Program Coordinator

Heidi Williams

Taskforce Coordinator

Lonny Snyder

Taskforce Coordinator