Student Assistance Services
Pivot strives to create safer learning environments and empower North Country youth to achieve their fullest potential. The goal of our Student Assistance Services program is to encourage adolescents to make positive lifestyle choices, develop healthy coping skills, and to prevent alcohol and other substance use problems.
To equip youth with the tools necessary to combat the difficulties they face, Pivot offers a variety of classes and group sessions on topics ranging from self-esteem and character education to new student transition and study skills. Pivot is proud to offer membership in faculty groups or student-personnel teams, and make informal presentations to the community, Board of Education, or to classroom groups. Pivot currently has prevention counseling staff in nine school districts in Jefferson County.
In addition to these services, Pivot also provides prevention counseling for adolescents seeking help with:
Stress and peer pressure
Grief or loss
Relationship or family problems
Emotional disturbances such as anger and depression
Alcohol, nicotine, or other drug use
For questions regarding Pivot’s Student Services or to find out how to obtain our programs in your district, please contact the Program Director at (315) 788-4660
Please check out some of the evidenced-based programs Pivot provides in schools throughout the Jefferson County area:

Dr. Botvin’s Life Skills Training
This program is designed to reduce the risks of alcohol, drug abuse, addictions, and violence by providing adolescents with the confidence and skills necessary to overcome challenging situations.

PAX Good Behavior Game
Students work together—reinforcing desirable behaviors (called PAX) and inhibiting unwanted behaviors (called Spleems). Over the course of months, children develop agency—the ability to influence their world for the better. Students reduce impulsivity, leading to ability to delay gratification for a higher purpose. These skills increase their pro-social behavior and self-regulation, paving the way for remarkably better immediate and lifetime academic, behavioral/health, and positive lifetime outcomes (e.g., graduation from high school, university entry, gainful employment). PAX also develops and strengthens peer networks to improve relationships now, in the future, with lower risk of self-harm or harm to others.

Second Step Program
This program was established by a globally recognized non- profit group known as the Committee for Children. It was created to help adolescents develop positive relationships; understand, manage, and express their emotions and empathy; and provide tools for making responsible decisions.

SPORT Program
Substance use Prevention Optimizing Robust Teens (SPORT) is designed to allow adolescents to identify wellness behaviors, make goals to improve their health and fitness, participate in sports, and acquire techniques for managing stress.

Stanford Cannabis Awareness and Prevention Toolkit
Our new Smart Talk: Cannabis Prevention & Awareness Curriculum, which is part of the Stanford Cannabis Awareness & Prevention Toolkit, is a 5-lesson theory-based and evidence-informed curriculum created by the Stanford REACH Lab as well as by our Youth Action Board, educators, healthcare providers, and scientists across the U.S.

Teen Intervene
Designed as a voluntary comprehensive screening, intervention, and referral to treatment program, Teen Intervene allows adolescents between the ages of 12-19 who have experienced problems with alcohol and other drug use to work with a counselor and seek intervention.

Too Good for Violence
This program teaches adolescents how to develop the social and emotional learning skills necessary for conflict resolution, bullying prevention, and treating themselves and others with respect. Pivot oversees Too Good for Violence at various playgrounds and summer programs across Jefferson County.
Interested in any of our services? Get in touch!